Bitumen emulsions are used in road pavements to benefit from their advantages such as adhesion, improvement, insulation and cold application and they are produced in accordance with the purpose of use.
Emulsions are mixtures obtained by dispersing one of the two liquid phases as small particles in the other, which do not dissolve in each other under normal conditions. Bitumen emulsions are formed by the dispersion of bitumen particles in water. When the emulsion is mixed with the aggregate or applied to the surface, it is set with the evaporation of water and the bitumen particles get separated from the liquid phase and adhere to the aggregate particles or the surface.
Bitumen emulsions produced by ISFALT in accordance with their intended use are used in surface pavements, bonding layers, primer layers, patches, cold mix sand mortar type coatings. There are many areas of use in road pavements where the advantages of bitumen emulsions such as adhesion, improvement, insulation and cold application are utilized.
Bitumen emulsions are divided into different classes as anionic and cationic emulsions according to the type of emulsifier and slow, medium and fast setting emulsions, with regard to the setting rate.
ISFALT produces cationic bitumen emulsion in its own emulsion facility with a capacity of 25 tons/hour in slow, medium and fast setting classes.