İSFALT R&D Center, with its mission of being the center of qualified and reliable information in the asphalt sector, constantly works on new asphalt techniques and continues to contribute scientifically to the developments in the sector by closely following the technological developments in the world. The study prepared by İSFALT, which participated in the "5th Highway Congress and Exhibition" held in Ankara, within the framework of the congress topics, was evaluated by the Scientific Board and took its place in the congress proceedings booklet.
İSFALT has managed to be among the largest companies not only in Turkey but also in Europe in terms of production and performance figures; Aware that remaining a pioneer in this sector is possible with continuous improvements and innovative studies, it attaches great importance to R&D activities.
ISFALT guides the sector with its research and development studies, thanks to its long-standing knowledge and equipment, and carries out all the work needed for special projects. It supports the sector by providing high quality data and technical consultancy to projects carried out in Turkey and around the world.
İSFALT participated in the 5th National Highway Congress and Exhibition held at Ankara ATO Congressium on 22-23 November 2023 with a paper titled "Investigation of Water Sensitivity of Bituminous Hot Mixtures with the Wheel Track Method". The study took its place in the Congress Proceedings Book, where the papers prepared in the context of the congress topics and selected by the Scientific Board consisting of representatives of the University, NGOs and Highways were published.
The declaration was prepared by İSFALT General Manager Burak KORZAY, R&D and Laboratory Chief Fatma Hilal NACAR, R&D Experts Mustafa UÇUM and İshak Ömer ÇAĞLAYAN. In the study, the sensitivity of the mixture to water was examined using different test methods, and performance tests were performed in different conditioning environments and the results were compared.
ISFALT continues to follow the developments in the asphalt industry closely, to work to guide all institutions and organizations working in the transportation sector with its scientific research, and to be the pioneer of the sector in developable and sustainable asphalt applications.