İSFALT: Ready for Winter Crisis Response Operations
İSFALT: Ready for Winter Crisis Response Operations
İSFALT: Ready for Winter Crisis Response Operations

Fully equipped and prepared for the 2022 Winter Crisis Response Operations, İSFALT A.Ş. stands ready to tackle any winter-related challenges under the guidance of the IMM Road Maintenance and Infrastructure Coordination Department. With all operational facets, from vehicle maintenance to personnel training, meticulously addressed, our team has completed simulation drills on the designated routes.

Our preparations for Winter Crisis Response Operations, begun weeks in advance, have reached completion. Teams affiliated with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) and ISFALT have finalized their readiness with 1582 vehicles and a salt reserve of 290,000 tons, standing by for potential unfavorable conditions flagged by the AKOM. İSFALT A.Ş is actively involved in the Winter Crisis Response Operations with a crew of 898 personnel. Our corporation, equipped with 462 machines and vehicles, will take part in these operations in coordination with IMM.

Maintenance, Training, and Drills

Within the scope of Winter Crisis Response Operations, comprehensive maintenance was performed on all the vehicles that are planned to be used throughout the winter season. We have also finished the hiring process of all the staff members who will join the Winter Crisis Response Operations, following the necessary equipment and training provisions. Once the newly onboarded staff completed their occupational safety training, they received practical and theoretical instruction from us on topics such as operating machinery, vehicle parts, and driving techniques.

We took the vehicles at our disposal on reconnaissance runs along their assigned routes for potential snowfall, establishing which vehicle would work in which area in case of snowfall. Once the final checks were completed, our vehicles finished the pre-exercise route tours with all of our drivers. These exercises allowed our teams to identify any possible disruptions beforehand and rectify them prior to any snowfall.