Asphalt Production
Since asphalt is the most important element for safe and comfortable roads, it supports ISFALT’s aim of increasing the road standards of Istanbul. ISFALT produces asphalt by always prioritizing quality precision in four large production facilities equipped with advanced technology. In this way, it meets a significant part of Istanbul's demand.
Asphalt Applications
Asphalt roads are the most important element of a safe and comfortable journey. In this area, ISFALT performs high quality asphalt applications that ensure driving safety and comfort on the roads.
ISFALT R&D Center provides guidance to the sector in every step taken from material and design selection to the implementation stage and conducts all the work needed for special projects. It supports the sector by providing high quality data and technical consultancy for major projects realized in Turkey and around the world.
With 40 test methods accredited by the Turkish Accreditation Agency, ISFALT has the rank of "the accredited laboratory with the highest number of tests in the Turkish asphalt sector" and provides analysis services with international validity to public institutions, many domestic and foreign companies, with its advanced technology and accredited identity.
Mining Operation
ISFALT carries out the CEBECI MINING ZONE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTS PROJECT, which will ensure the rehabilitation of Cebeci Quarries, their adaptation to the environment and production with modern facilities. After the completion of the project, our quarry operations in both north and south cebeci will gain momentum.
Winter Service
ISFALT serves in the "Fight Against Winter" in coordination with the teams affiliated with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. An approximately 2 thousand kilometers road network is under its responsibility, under adverse weather conditions that affect the traffic flow and safety of Istanbul during the winter months.
Human Resources Management
İSFALT A.Ş. ana faaliyetlerine ek olarak 2018 yılı Nisan ayında 696 sayılı KHK ile şirkette işe başlayan personeller ile 'İnsan Kaynakları Hizmeti Sağlanması' başlığı altında yeni bir iş kolu oluşmuştur. İSFALT A.Ş., sözleşmeler uyarınca bünyesinde istihdam edilmek üzere İBB Yol Bakım ve Onarım Müdürlükleri, İBB Makine İkmal Müdürlüğü, İSKİ, İGDAŞ ve İETT ‘ye insan kaynakları hizmeti sunmaktadır.
Training And Technical Support
Having assumed the position of a focal point of advanced knowledge and expertise about asphalt, ISFALT provides practical training and consulting services to meet the demand from organizations and institutions.